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Monday, February 24, 2014

4 Useful Tips For a Successful Certification Exam.

There are plenty of articles out there about how to prepare for a computer certification exam. However, there are also things you can do to increase your chances of success on exam day during the most important part of the entire process -- the time that you're actually taking the test. I've taken many certification exam over the years, and helped many others prep for theirs. Here are the five things you must do on exam day to maximize your efforts. 

1. Show up on time. Yeah, I know everyone says that. The testing center wants you there 30 minutes early. So why do so many candidates show up late, or in a rush? If you have a morning exam appointment, take the traffic into account. If it's a part of town you don't normally drive in during rush hour, you might be surprised at how much traffic you have to go through. Plan ahead. 

2. Use the headphones. Most candidates in the room with you understand that they should be quiet. Sadly, not all of them do. Smacking gum, mumbling to themselves (loud enough for you to hear, though), and other little noises can really get on your nerves in what is already a pressure situation. In one particular testing center I use, the door to the testing room has one setting: "Slam". Luckily, that center also has a headset hanging at every testing station. Call ahead to see if yours does. Some centers have them but don't leave them at the testing stations. Wearing headphones during the exam is a great way to increase your powers of concentration. They allow you to block out all noise and annoyances, and do what you came to do -- pass the exam. 

3. Prepare for the "WHAT??" question. No matter how well-prepared you are, there's going to be one question on any exam that just stuns you. It might be off-topic, in your opinion. It may be a question that would take 20 of your remaining 25 minutes to answer. It might be a question that you don't even know how to begin answering. Whatever the reason, it's the question that has you thinking, "WHAT??" I have talked with candidates who got to such a question and were obviously so thrown off that they didn't do well on any of the remaining questions, either. There is only one thing to do in this situation: shrug it off. Compare yourself to a major-league pitcher. If he gives up a home run, he can't dwell on it. He's got to face another batter. Cornerbacks in football face the same problem. If they give up a long TD pass, they can't spend the next 20 minutes thinking about it. They have to shrug it off and be ready for the next play. Don't worry about getting a perfect score on the exam. Your concern is passing. If you get a question that seems ridiculous, unsolvable, or out of place, forget about it. It's done. Move on to the next question and nail it. 

 4. Finish with a flourish. Ten questions from the end of your exam, take a 15-to-30 second break. You can't walk around the testing room, but you can stand and stretch. By this point in the exam, candidates tend to be a little mentally tired. Maybe you're still thinking about the "WHAT??" question. Don't worry about the questions you've already answered -- they're done. Take a deep breath, remember why you're there -- to pass this exam -- and sit back down and nail the last ten questions to the wall. Before you know it, your passing score appears on the screen!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Three Benefits Of Web Analytics

Web analytics is the process of measuring site statistics and analyzing traffic behavior. Here are there of the main benefits of web analytics.

It is typical for any business to do some data analysis. Data analysis is used to determine sales, profit, loss rate, and market interest. However, in terms of establishing a strong e-presence for your website, there is one tool that you could used in order to collect necessary data that you would need to promote your site.

Web analytics has been gaining steady popularity among websites, blogs and portals. It is used to analyze market trends and to identify website users or visitors. It is also used to determine the behavior of website users. It is a great tool to determine your latest website trends and your visitors’ or users’ preferences in terms of site features. Here are the benefits of web analytics.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Wordpress Blogs and Websites Under Brute Force Attack

If you have a Blog or website on Wordpress your action is requires. it would be good to ensure you are using very strong passwords and to make sure your username is not “admin.” According to reports from HostGator and CloudFlare, there is currently a significant attack being launched at WordPress blogs across the Internet. For the most part, this is a brute-force dictionary-based attack that aim to find the password for the ‘admin’ account that every WordPress site sets up by default.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Create your Digital Will with Google Inactive Account Manager

 Every day we create content online in form of emails, blog post, store files on cloud etc. do we ever think of what happens to this content when we die? Well, some folks at Google thought about it and launch a feature that allows you decide what happens to your account after death; this feature is called Inactive Account Manager.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Google Nose BETA Launched

I was searching Google for the latest trend in cloud computing, and on the top search category list, I saw Nose beta. Out of curiosity, I clicked to find out more, watch the video:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy

Hello guys, I'll like to share my presentation on Social Media as an Emerging Theme in IS Strategy.

The 21st century is characterized with various kinds of challenges that are essentially affecting the ways businesses operate; these challenges are driven by events happening inside and outside of the organizations. Organizations need to study these events and strategize around them in other to remain in business or gain more grounds.

Social Media is not a distraction, it boost Productivity

Far from diverting employees from their jobs, social media and smartphones actually make staff more productive - and employers should learn to deal with that new reality. Access to social networks via mobile devices gives staff a “virtual co-presence” with direct benefits for the business in which they work, according to a new study.

That core presence enables workers to complete collective tasks more effectively by giving them a greater freedom over when and where they do their jobs, the study of technology companies in the UK, Germany and Finland found.